In a world filled with overconsumption, overmedication, and overworking, I am just finally OVER IT!

When I think of my happiest times, it’s almost always in the kitchen cooking, baking, and creating meals for myself and others. There is something about dicing vegetables, measuring spices, and icing a cake that just calms my soul. Call me crazy but I even enjoy cleaning the kitchen afterwards!

Sustainable living has always been important to me. But what exactly does it mean to live sustainably, especially as it relates to food? It means knowing where your food comes from and how it got to you. It means supporting your local farmers because it requires less energy for the food to get to your kitchen table. It means reducing waste and using what you already have in the kitchen.

It’s about eating foods that are in season. It means consuming less meat as the consumption of meat can help reduce greenhouse emissions and promote biodiversity. It means eating a variety of foods to promote diversity in agriculture, which will benefit the environment in the end.

By choosing to better understand where your food comes from and making wise choices, we can reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals and support healthier ecosystems, which in turn will help our health. My goal is to share how you can eat healthy and nutritional foods 80% of the time, and still get to enjoy fun foods the other 20%, because life is all about balance right?

I hope you join me in this journey to make a small impact, but an impact nonetheless. No one said you have to start big—baby steps, one at a time. So meet me in the kitchen. Let’s get chopping!


Lanne from The Sustainable Kitchen Blog